Thursday, July 6, 2023

Summer Riding

 We are coming up on the busiest season of bike trails here in Rochester. This means that there are more people out using the trails for many different uses. You will come across people out walking their dogs, having the kids burn off that summer energy, fishing in the canal or river, rolling along the paved paths and more. Here are some safety tips so that every one can have a fun and healthy summer.

1. Call out or ring a bell to let pedestrians know you are coming up on them. 

2. Pass on the left keeping an eye for on coming trail users.

3. Slow down when there are many trail users.

4. Know the laws in the area you are riding. There are places that have path speed limits, if you can use a throttle e-bike and more. 

5. Keep an eye on the weather and have a storm plan. In the heat the weather can turn on a dime and it is better to have a plan and not need it.

6. Make sure to bring more water and snacks than what you need. 

7. Enjoy the Ride!

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